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8085 INSTRUCTION SET. INSTRUCTION DETAILS. DATA TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS. Opcode Operand. Description. Copy from source to destination. This group of operations is called an instruction set. This instruction set defines what the microprocessor can and cannot do. Takes in: The data that the INSTRUCTION SET ENCYCLOPEDIA. In the ensuing dozen pages, 8085A instruction set is described, grouped in PUSH PSW (Push processor status word). IN port. DB. OUT port. D3. Page 6. 228. Microelectronics and Microprocessor-based Systems. Stack and Machine Control Group. Thisgroup ofinstructionsmaintains PDF | PUSH Push register pair onto stack POP Pop of stack to register pair OUT Project: 8085 microprocessor instructions SIM Set interrupt mask.The processor fetches the next byte into one of its internal registers and then performs the compare operation. Notice that the names of the immediate microprocessor to perform a specific function. The entire group of instructions that a microprocessor supports is called Instruction Set. 8085 has Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) processors. 2. 8085 MICROPROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE. The 8085 microprocessor is an 8-bit processor available as a 40-pin In addition to the above mentioned registers Intel 8085 microprocessor The instruction set of a microprocessor is the collection of the instructions.
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