Opnav instructions 2015
OPNAV Instruction 1520.23C, Graduate Education. Authors. Department of the Navy. Publication date: 6 January 2015. Publisher: Department of the Navy,24 june 2015 . opnav instruction 11010.20h change transmittal 1 . from: chief of naval operations DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF Navy personnel at work includes enlisted and officer military personnel (active duty and reserve component), as well as civilian personnel. 3. DoD. Defense VI 11 May 2015. OPNAV INSTRUCTION 1738.1A. From: Chief of Naval Operations. Subj: CHAPLAINS RELIGIOUS ENRICHMENT DEVELOPMENT OPERATION. Ref: (a) 10 U.S.C.. OPNAVINST 1700.16B. N17. 22 Jul 2015. OPNAV INSTRUCTION 1700.16B. From: Chief of Naval Operations. Subj: ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL.
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